Welcome to
SUPREME focus group
The Structural Performance & Materials Engineering (SUPREME) was established in January 2016 and initially called as Structural Materials and Degradation (SMD) Focus Group. Previously, this focus group was established as Corrosion and Fracture Focus Group (CRFRAC), which initiated in 2011 along with six focus groups in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UMP. The aim of this focus group is to bring together mechanical and materials engineers in improving and evaluating structural materials and their degradation.
Our Vission
To emerge as a regional leader in the research of fracture and degradation of structural materials.
Our Mission
We are dedicated to make researches through innovation and quality services.
Our Research
Currently, there are three main research focuses in SUPREME, which are:
1. Corrosion and protection
2. Fracture Mechanics
3. Fabrication and Analysis of natural fiber-reinforced polymer composite